11. Overseas Visits

11.11 Accommodation

Prior to the visit the Visit Leader should if possible/appropriate:
  • Make a prior visit
  • Ask the tour operator for detailed information
  • Compile a risk assessment
  • Obtain a floor plan showing the location of the group’s rooms. Ideally the rooms should be close together, with the leaders’ quarters located nearby or adjacent to enable adequate supervision
  • Allocate rooms to participants
  • Ensure the Code of Conduct covers behavioural expectations when in their rooms
  • Provide information for parents and participants about the type, quality and organisation of the accommodation


On arrival the Visit Leader should:
  • Carry out a fire drill as soon as possible to ensure all participants are aware of the layout of the building, its fire precautions/exits, and the fire assembly point
  • Check for any potential hazards (balconies, electrical connections, access to other rooms, external noise etc.) and if necessary establish control measures to deal with these. Where the hazards are extreme or cannot be managed adequately consideration has to be given to insisting on alternative accommodation
  • Check that the bedding provided is clean
  • Ensure all participants are aware of the system to ensure they are secure overnight
  • Ensure that the participants are aware of how to obtain assistance if required at any time