13. Venues with Specific Planning Considerations

13.3 Unsupervised Swimming Pools and Pools Abroad

Swimming pools in hotels and abroad are likely to have varying levels of safety and facilities. When planning to use an unknown swimming pool for the first time the Visit Leader will need to consider the following:

  • Has parental consent for use of a swimming pool been given? Has the swimming ability of participants been confirmed?
  • Is the supervision provided by the owner/operator adequate, i.e. will lifeguards be on duty when the pool is open?
  • How will use of the pool be supervised by the Visit Leader or accompanying staff and are they adequately experienced?
  • Is life-saving equipment available?
  • Are there adequate means of summoning help?
  • Is the water clear?
  • Are the changing facilities adequate?

When considering whether to use a swimming pool which is unsupervised it is also essential to consider the depth, layout and size of the pool.

The risk assessment process should list the control measures for these factors and identify whether they are adequate to allow the activity to proceed.

Approval should be given initially by the Head of Establishment before being submitted to the Local Authority45 or Employer to confirm the safety of the unsupervised swimming pool/pool abroad.
