11. Overseas Visits

11.6 Information for Parents

For Overseas Visits the process of informing parents and participants will need to start well in advance of the visit. In some instances this may be one or two years prior to departure. Specific information should be provided in writing to parents including:
  • The purpose of the visit
  • The proposed itinerary and the learning objectives
  • The venue
  • The costs
  • Passport and visa arrangements
  • Domestic and sleeping arrangements
  • Health provision
  • Supervision arrangements
  • Travel arrangements
  • Insurance cover
  • Behaviour code

In addition to written information Heads of Establishment and Visit Leaders should hold a meeting/s where these points can be discussed.

Communication with parents should include making them aware of procedures for dealing with misbehaviour, or behaviour that gives Visit Leaders cause for concern, and the financial consequences of their child having to be returned home from an Overseas Visit.
