11. Overseas Visits

11.5 Establishing Ratios

As part of the risk assessment, careful consideration has to be given to establishing leader to participant ratios. Section 4.3 details the factors that could influence this decision but

Overseas Visits may also need to take the following in to account:
  • Increased risk of illness (staff and / or participants)
  • More complex travel arrangements
  • Possible delay in staff on ‘stand by’ being able to join group
  • Inefficient communications systems

It is the responsibility of Heads of Establishment in discussion with Visit Leaders to ensure that adequate levels of supervision can be maintained should any situation arise during the trip which requires the undivided attention of one or more staff.

In some circumstances, tour operators provide leaders/guides for the duration of the visit or for specific parts of a visit. Whilst this may influence decisions about ratios, consideration has to be given to the importance of accompanying adults knowing participants.
